Beyond the classroom

The Award consists of a personal programme that gives recognition for activities already undertaken but also encourages new experiences and adventure.

There is a great sense of satisfaction in completing the Award and it is valued highly by universities and prospective employers.

The school presently focuses on pupils achieving the Bronze award. We have a thriving group in year 9 who work toward the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme alongside their studies. We are independent licence holders and offer the full range of training for the expeditions, we currently use a combination of internally trained expedition leaders alongside a team of qualified volunteers. This allows us to keep out costs low and therefore make the expeditions available to all pupils irrelevant of family income. We are proud to ensure top quality training and safety for all our young people as they explore their limits in the great outdoors!

All participants undertake a two-day camp in the Ribble Valley that includes a 24-hour walk and overnight camp. Training in camp craft, menu planning, basic first aid and cookery skills is provided during the Spring Term. At all levels of the Award there are different sections:


To help other people, the community, the environment or animals in need. Fund-raising, charity shop work, church work, sports coaching and recycling have been popular choices in recent years.


This is about developing or learning a new hobby. There is a very wide range to choose from including some of the more popular at St. Mary’s: music, theatre and ceramics.


This involves taking part in a sport or physical activity. Major sports can be included but others such as dance and horse riding are also popular.


A key part of the expedition process is the planning and preparation with practice expeditions being crucial. Expeditions are managed by our team of experienced staff and volunteers.

More information can be found here.


Alternatively, contact Mr Booth in school on 01772 421909