Our Mission is to educate the young people entrusted to our care in the Catholic, Christian way that ensures that each one is valued and cared for and achieves the best of which they are capable.
Catholic Ethos
Our Headteacher
I am delighted to welcome you to St. Mary’s Catholic High School.
We are a thriving and vibrant community, dedicated to ensuring that our pupils are given every opportunity to flourish and fulfil their God-given potential.
Phil Thompson
Calm and Purposeful
Here you will find a calm and purposeful working environment, with a rich extra-curricular provision, allowing pupils the opportunity to excel. They are wonderfully supported by staff who are hard-working, caring and committed.
The inspiration for all we do comes from our Catholic faith and is based on the Gospel values of love, honesty, respect and forgiveness. In so doing, we believe our Mission, which is to ‘let your light shine’, comes alive.
Contact Us
Please phone the office on 01772 421909
Alternatively you can email us:
For the Headteacher head@lsmchs.com
For Safeguarding matters dsl@lsmchs.com
For Finance school.finance@lsmchs.com
For the Business Manager/Data Protection Officer bursar@lsmchs.com
For our SENDCo j.tumelty@lsmchs.com
If your child has an appointment during school hours, please send in a written note for the form tutor. A 'release' pass will be issued and the absence recorded.
Extra Curricular Activities
Please see take a look our extra-curricular club timetable running from now until October Half Term. All pupils are more than welcome to attend any session, they do not need to book their place. Just come along
Open Evening 2024
We warmly invite any prospective pupils and parents in years 5 and 6 to our Open Evening on Wednesday 25th September 2024. School will be open from 4.30pm until 8.00pm, with the Headteachers address at 5pm, 6pm and 7pm. You do not need to book your place, just turn up and say hello!
Parents Information Evening
If you were unable to attend the evening you can find the notes of the meeting here