Provider Access Policy Statement

Under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997 we have a duty to provide pupils in Years 8-13 with access to providers of post-14, post-16 and post-18 education and training. This policy statement sets out how we manage access requests from these providers.

What are pupils entitled to?

Pupils must be allowed to:

  • Learn more about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which informs pupils of the full range of education and training options available to them at each transition point.
  • Hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities on offer, for example, technical education and apprenticeships – this can be achieved through options evenings, assemblies, group discussions, and taster events.
  • Understand how to apply to the full range of academic and technical courses available to them.

Who handles our access requests?

Any provider wishing to request access should contact school on 01772 421909 or via email on

What opportunities are provided to allow access to pupils?

Via our school careers programme, we offer providers numerous opportunities throughout the school year to speak to pupils and/or their parents. Within our Personal Development curriculum we have bespoke careers units of study running from Year 7 through to Year 11 targeting key age appropriate content. Our annual schedule of events is as follows:


Year 7 Careers Programme 2024-25

Year 7 pupils begin their careers education with an introduction to the world of work, where pupils begin to investigate what work is and how our personality traits are beneficial to certain jobs. The module finishes with a classroom-based lesson with our St Mary’s careers advisor, Mrs McVey, where pupils are invited to ask questions as we introduce careers education. Pupils are introduced to our career’s platform Morrisby. 

Year 7 Careers Events:

  • BBC Careers Event
  • Careers Scavenge Hunt (Careers Week)


Year 8 Careers Programme 2024-25

Pupils begin to explore careers in the local area investigating key careers, industries and in particular our local labour market. Pupils have the opportunity to investigate employment figures in the United Kingdom and compare against a sample from Leyland. Following this, pupils begin to explore a variety of careers via Morrisby and a variety of interactive games to develop this. 

Year 8 Careers Events:

  • BBC Careers Event
  • External Speaker (Careers Week)


Year 9 Careers Programme 2024-25

Continuing with the exploring aspect of careers, pupils will begin to investigate work stereotypes, and are introduced to apprenticeship as a future career path; discussing the benefits of this. Pupils continue to explore careers throughout our Morrisby platform and finally finish with a decision-making activity setting SMART targets as pupils begin to progress into GCSE Study. Pupils will begin their advice aspect of our career’s curriculum through investigating employment skills along with GCSE options advice lessons as part of the Shining Light Module. As part of the advice aspect of the curriculum a module has been developed with a focus on key IT skills needed for pupils within the workplace. 


Year 9 Careers Events:





Lunch Time Q&A Sessions with Colleges


Wed 16th October
Wed 4th December


1:20pm – 2pm


Careers Fair & ASK Apprenticeships presentation – Years 9-11

Wed 20th November

4pm – 6pm

Sports Hall

End of KS3 Enrichment Morning

Thurs 16th January

9.00am – 12.20pm


Year 9 Parents Evening

Wed 5th March

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Drama Theatre










Year 10 Careers Programme 2024-25

Within Year 10, pupils begin to receive key advice to support them in interviews and employment. Pupils begin with investigating interview techniques in preparing for their mock interviews. Pupils will also conduct two “preparing for work experience” lessons where they will receive advice on key aspects, clothing, health and safety, and time management to name a few. Within the Shining Light module, pupils will develop their personal statements in preparation for their mock interviews and receive bespoke feedback to act upon in the future, Following the mock interviews and work experience pupils will update their Morrisby profiles and revisit a variety of careers linked to their interests. 


Year 10 Careers Events:





Careers Parent/Carer Advice meeting

Wed 18th Sept

5.00pm – 5.30pm

Drama Theatre

Lunch Time Q&A Sessions with Colleges

Wed 16th October
Wed 4th December

1:20pm – 2pm


Careers Fair & ASK Apprenticeships presentation – Years 9-11

Wed 20th November

4pm – 6pm

Sports Hall

Year 10 Mock Interviews

Tues 11th February

9am – 1:15pm


Cardinal Newman Taster Day Choices Assembly

Tues 25th February


Drama Theatre

Work Experience

Monday 17th – Friday 21st March


Off Site

Runshaw and Preston Taster Day Choices Session

Wed 26th March

2.00pm – 3.00pm

Drama Theatre

Cardinal Newman Taster Day choices

Monday 12th May


Computer rooms

Year 10 Parents Evening

Wed 21st May

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Reception area

Runshaw College & Preston College Taster Day

Wed 24th June

9am – 3pm


Cardinal Newman Taster Day

Tues 1st July

9am – 3pm


Off site


Year 11 Careers Programme 2024-25

Year 11 pupils will begin by creating CVs in preparation for them entering part time or full-time employment and finish with an update of their careers profile on Morrisby. Following this module, pupils will begin to focus on the key skills that are needed to excel in their GCSE examinations which will allow them to follow a career of their choice. Within the Shining light module, pupils are advised and supported in updating their personal statements in preparation for college applications, along with some guided support of how to navigate and ensure college applications are effective and successful. 


Year 11 Careers Events:





Post 16 Options PD – Assemblies from Runshaw, Preston, Cardinal Newman, Wigan & Leigh, Myerscough College and Hutton Grammar 6th Form.


Mon 11th Sept

8:45am – 9am

Drama Theatre

Careers Parent/Carer Advice meeting

Wed 18th Sept

5.30pm – 6.00pm

Drama Theatre

Lunch Time Q&A Sessions with Colleges


Wed 16th October

Wed 4th December


1:20pm – 2pm


Careers Fair & ASK Apprenticeships presentation – Years 9-11

Wed 20th November

4pm – 6pm

Sports Hall

Year 11 Impartial CI&G Speed Meet (Identified pupils only)


Tues 17th December

2pm – 3pm


Year 11 school deadline for all post 16 applications


Wed 18th December



End of KS4 Enrichment Morning

Thurs 16th January

9.00am – 12.20pm



Year 11 Parents Evening

Wed 22nd January

3.30pm – 6.30pm

Reception Area

ASK Apprenticeships Assembly


Mon 10th February

8.45am – 9.00am

Drama Theatre

Year 11 Preston & Runshaw College Interviews

Tues 4th March

9am – 1:15pm



Careers assemblies will be delivered throughout the academic year and additional events, activities and visits will be added to the Careers Programme as they are identified throughout the year. One to One Career Guidance meetings will be available to pupils.


Additional events in 2023/24 included visits to a variety of companies for example, Leyland Trucks, BAE and Eric Wright Construction.


Who should providers contact to discuss events and options?

Providers can speak to our careers coordinator, Mrs E. McVey, on 01772 421909 or via email on to discuss possible attendance at relevant events.

Our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy sets out the school’s approach to allowing providers into school to speak to our pupils.

What can providers expect once a request has been accepted?

Once we have approved a provider, we will work with them to identify the best method for providing access to our pupils.

We will make the school Drama Theatre, the Learning Resource Centre, classrooms or meeting rooms available to host discussions between providers and pupils. We will also make presentation equipment, such as projectors and televisions, available to providers.

Arrangements will be discussed in advance between our careers leader and a nominated member of the provider’s team.

Can providers leave prospectuses for pupils to read?

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus and other relevant course literature with the school careers coordinator via the school office.
