St Mary's was last inspected on 21st & 22nd January 2020. We were delighted to announce that we continued to be a good school.
The judgement was reached after a 2-day inspection conducted by one of Her Majesty’s Inspectors, Emma Gregory and Ofsted Inspector David Roberts.
The outcome was testament to the continued hard work and enthusiasm from pupils, the fabulous effort and skill of all the staff & governors, and the support we receive from parents and carers.
The report shows how St Mary’s continues to thrive since its last inspection in June 2016.
Ofsted report
Extracts from the report include comments such as:
- ‘Pupils behave well in lessons, and they enjoy school’
- ‘Pupils describe their school as ‘welcoming’’
- ‘[Pupils] feel safe in school because they know that staff will listen to them’
- ‘[Pupils] embrace the many opportunities on offer beyond the classroom’
- ‘Teachers have high expectations of what pupils can achieve’
- ‘Teachers are knowledgeable about their subjects’
- ‘Teachers ensure that pupils can remember the knowledge that is the most important’
- ‘Pupils achieve well in many of the GCSE examinations’
- ‘Leaders have created a caring ethos where pupils are keen to learn’
- ‘Leaders ensure that pupils with SEND benefit from extra support’
- ‘Staff are proud to be part of such a warm school community’
Please follow this link to the Ofsted website to read the full report