Pupil Premium

St Mary's High School, Leyland

Pupil premium strategy statement: 2024-26

The ultimate objective for our disadvantaged pupils is that we limit/remove any barriers to learning so that they are able to access the full holistic educational programme, in the same capacity as any other pupil who does not face the same socio-economic disadvantages.


We aim to allow all pupils access to the highest quality teaching and learning, which will enable them to achieve high attainment across a wide range of subjects, irrespective of their starting point. We recognise that quality first teaching and learning is proven to close attainment gaps for all learners but more significantly disadvantaged learners.


Our plan also has a clear strand for wider academic support for pupils who will benefit from targeted intervention either in certain academic areas or from a wider pedagogical need.


We will plan, review and adapt our strategy by considering the challenges facing all our learners, regardless of if they are disadvantaged or not. Although this plan is to close the gaps for disadvantaged learners, it is also expected that the strategy will improve the attainment of pupils who are not disadvantaged but would benefit from the support offered.



As our strategy is responsive to current needs. We will ensure that we use robust assessment about the impact of the strands for disadvantaged pupils. To ensure this strategy is working and effective (for our learners) we will;


  • Update our whole school PPG teacher guidance document to ensure that the disadvantaged pupils are a key focus and challenged in all aspects of the curriculum.
  • Intervene early to ensure needs are met.
  • Ensure all key stakeholders take responsibility for the disadvantaged pupils to raise expectations and outcomes.

Pupil Premium Documents

Updated: 22/02/2024 58 KB
Updated: 20/04/2023 100 KB
Updated: 22/02/2024 70 KB