PSHCEE including RSE

Current PSHCEE Work

Click the links below to see what's happening in PSHCEE at the moment!

PSHCEE Happier January Wellbeing Activities

PSHCEE Weekly Wellbeing Activities


Intent, Implementation & Impact 2019-2020

PSHCEE education is a school subject through which pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe, and prepare for life and work in modern Britain. Evidence shows that well-delivered PSHCEE programmes have an impact on both academic and non-academic outcomes for pupils, particularly the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

PSHE Association, 2017


Our PSHCEE curriculum intends to build pupils confidence and resilience, as well as preparing pupils for their adult lives, teaching them to understand how to engage with society, make good decisions, and become effective citizens who flourish and contribute positively.

Our PSHCEE curriculum directly develops and deepens pupils’ understanding of the fundamental British values of democracy, individual liberty, the rule of law and mutual respect and tolerance. In all topics, pupils are encouraged to understand that difference is positive and that individual characteristics make people unique.

Our PSHCEE curriculum provides an inclusive environment which meets the needs of all pupils, through a detailed knowledge and understanding of the pupils we teach and close liaison with the pastoral team. The PSHCEE topics, delivered by identified and specific specialist staff, facilitate the development of pupils’ character, encouraging them to reflect wisely, learn eagerly, behave with integrity and cooperate consistently well with others. All lessons end with communication of the relevant support available to them.

Our curriculum teaches pupils the importance of being physically healthy, eating healthily and maintaining an active lifestyle; pupils come to realise the effect of these things on their personal emotional and mental wellbeing.

Pupils’ also receive age-appropriate understanding of risk-taking behaviours, the difference between right and wrong, healthy relationships and sex education. They are encouraged to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life and to be aware of and have respect for, different people’s faiths, feelings and values.

Our Careers and Money Management topic supports our careers programme, encouraging pupils to aspire, make good choices and understand what they need to do to reach and succeed in their careers of choice. Pupils also receive an insight in to salaries, the cost of living and how to manage their money. The link is made between their career of choice, the journey to getting there and their potential income.

The PSHCEE/RSE curriculum at St Mary’s extends far beyond the academic, technical and vocational. We support pupils to grow in many diverse aspects of life and we take our responsibility to develop the whole child, very seriously.


Year 7 – 9 receive one hour a week of PSHCEE (Including RSE) delivered by specialist, selected teachers. Topic teachers are given the topic objectives by the AST PSHCEE lead, and each teacher plans their own topic. This secures ownership, correct and thorough delivery of content, using a range of methods comfortable for that teacher. All resources are provided via membership to the PSHCEE association and staff are encouraged to use those documents as far as is possible. Topics are split in to three themes and are pitched appropriately for the ages of the pupils it is targeting:

  1. Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing (PHMW)
  2. Relationships and Sex Education (Relationships)
  3. Living in the Wider World (Wider World)

Whilst these topics appear to be discrete, it is commonly known that there is an overlap in most topics and so communication between staff when planning and reviewing, is imperative, particularly in terms of age appropriateness.

All topics begin with a reminder of our Christian virtues and the PSHCEE Group Agreement which was devised by our Pupil Voice, produced and all pupils signed their own at the beginning of the year. This can be seen on the front of their books.

A quiz is done at the beginning and end of each topic to monitor knowledge, understanding and  progress. Additionally, a reflective (assessment) task is given at approximately week 5 so teachers can establish if the pupils have gained sufficient knowledge and understanding to be able to keep themselves healthy and safe. Individual feedback is given using flash marking feedback sheets. Progress is recorded on a grid in the back of pupils planners.

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Basic First Aid



Human Rights

(Amnesty International)

(Wider World)


Physical Health and Mental Wellbeing





Drugs Alcohol and Tabacco



Love and Relationships including LGBT



Religion and Belief:

Christ at the Centre

(Wider World)


Physical Health and Fitness



Crime and the Law

(Wider World)


Health and Prevention



Being Safe



Intimate and Sexual Relationships including Consent



Respectful Relationships




(Wider World)


Internet Safety and Harms



Online and Media



Careers and Money Management

(Wider World)



All year groups receive four half hour assemblies which are delivered by external agencies and are targeted to address the specific needs of the pupils at that time.

All year groups receive three Super Learning Days each academic year, with year 11 receiving two. Themes are set in accordance with the Personal Development Ofsted Framework, however specific workshops are identified closer to the day, taking in to account the focused needs of the cohort at that point in time. Please see the SLD III document.

Progress, attitude to learning and behaviour in PSHCEE/RSE lessons, are reported to parents/carers in the form of written reports once each academic year.

An annual PSHCEE/RSE mid-year review is conducted by the AHT to quality assure PSHCEE/RSE, involving learning walks, work scrutinises and feedback quizzes completed by ALL pupils and staff. This year parents/carers will also be included.

As a whole school we consistently promote the extensive personal development of all pupils; we provide pupils with access to a wide, rich set of experiences outside the classroom which provides opportunities for pupils to develop their talents and interests in a range of social contexts. Take up of these events is strong with specific groups targeted to ensure all pupils consistently benefit from these community events, enrichment and extracurricular activities.

Communication with parents/carers is a priority; letters are sent home at the beginning of each academic year to share the PSHCEE/RSE curriculum and the same information is shared at the September Parents Information Evening. Letters are distributed prior to each Super Learning Day and feedback is invited from parents/carers following each SLD. We also host a termly ‘Speakeasy’ delivered by the AHT PSHCEEL Lead and PC Dave Gaskell.


The long-term impact of our PSHCEE/RSE Curriculum, including SLD’s is difficult to measure whilst pupils remain at school. However, we act upon all feedback received from staff/pupils/parents and carers to ensure the curriculum is engaging, fit for purpose and with the objectives being achieved.

Evaluation is a continual process and changes are made if, as and when necessary.

Our Gospel and British Values

Updated: 17/11/2020 354 KB